Remote Desktop Support

Whether you work in a large data center, or in a five person office, Sierra Corporation offers live desktop support using a variety of technologies to help your office computers run smoothly. Our ability to connect to your computers remotely lets us provide the fastest possible support without needing to come to your office. It gives us the ability to be virtually right beside you to resolve issues and answer any questions you may have. Live desktop support is aimed towards helping reduce unnecessary business interruptions, so you can keep doing the work that is most important to you.

Active Monitoring
Sierra Corporation also offers a more advanced monitoring and support service for clients who need maximum uptime for mission critical business needs. We use a combination of hardware and software to manage desktops and servers with Sierra's Monitoring Agent, a fully featured integrated package that gives your company a comprehensive platform for monitoring and maintaining the integrity of your computer systems. The Sierra Monitoring system goes beyond other solutions by integrating live, proactive monitoring with remote desktop support tools. Sierra Monitoring keeps track of the integrity of your desktop and server computers, and proactively notifies us before problems can affect your ability to do business.

With Sierra Corporation's software capabilities and extensive experience managing large and small networks, you can rest assured we will keep your computers safe and your business running at maximum efficiency.